Group Alumni Lab Alumnuss
Nouf AlMousa (Princess Nourah Univ., Saudi Arabia)
Isabel K Alvarez Mentored by Myles Stapelberg
Focus Area: Rapid Automated Materials - Discovery, Development, Deployment
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Francisco Arellano Mentored by Benjamin Dacus
Focus Area: Irradiation of hydride moderators for microreactors
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Iselle M Barrios
Focus Area: Decarbonizing Ulaanbaatar: Examining the Potential Use of Thermochemical Energy Storage for Household Heating in the Ger District
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Tsolmon Bazarragchaa Mentored by David Fischer
Focus Area: Simulating Irradiation Tolerance of Superconductors for Fusion with Molecular Dynamics
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Bethany Belleque Mentored by Alexis Devitre
Focus Area: Measuring vacancy-type radiation defects using positrons
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Hervé Caralp (Brown) Mentored by Weiyue Zhou
Focus Area: Modeling the effect of radiolysis on the corrosiveness of molten fluoride salts
Amelia J Cavallaro Mentored by Myles Stapelberg
Focus Area: Irradiation-corrosion issues when using silicon carbide (SiC) as a plasma-facing material (PFM)
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Sean Chen Mentored by David Fischer
Focus Area: Simulating Irradiation Tolerance of Superconductors for Fusion with Molecular Dynamics
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Rachel Connick (She/her) Jointly supervised by R. Scott Kemp
Active Projects: Wigner Energy Focus Area: Calorimetric fingerprints of historical uranium enrichment
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Liam J Coy Mentored by Zoe Fisher
Focus Area: Effects of Magnetic Fields on Superconductors for Fusion Reactors
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Nicholas Dallaire (U. Ottowa (Canada)) Mentored by Benjamin Dacus
Focus Area: TGS measurement of nanotube thermal transport
Adam Deng Mentored by David Fischer
Focus Area: Simulating Irradiation Tolerance of Superconductors for Fusion with Molecular Dynamics
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Jessica L Dett Mentored by Weiyue Zhou
Focus Area: Exploring the influence of oxygen and EuF3 on corrosion in molten fluoride salt
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Matteo Di Giacomo (Polito, Italy)
Focus Area: PKA sensitivity analysis of HTS for fusion reactor design
Jennifer Dumel (Penn State)
Ittinop (Pun) Dumnernchanvanit
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Surya Effendy Jointly supervised by Martin Bazant
Active Projects: Focus Area: Localized corrosion mechanism elucidation
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Andrea L Garcia Mentored by Benjamin Dacus
Focus Area: CuCrZr coolant tubes for plasma facing components
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Khalil Hill (Penn State)
Shawn Huang (Imperial)
Focus Area: Thermal analysis of irradiated optical fibers
Quincy T Johnson Mentored by Nouf AlMousa
Focus Area: Brazing alloys for plasma facing components
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Si Ying Khew (NUS, Singapore)
Yelena Kim (INP, Kazakhstan)
Focus Area: Radiation damage of EP-450 duplex steel
Andrew Thomas Lanzrath Jointly supervised by Zach Hartwig
Focus Area: Irradiation damage of high-temperature superconductors in large magnetic fields
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Nikhita A Law Mentored by Weiyue Zhou
Focus Area: Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) of EuF3 as a molten salt chemical buffer
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Armando Martinez Mentored by Benjamin Dacus
Focus Area: Tracking changes in thermal diffusivity vs. irradiation for tritium-producing burnable absorber rods (TPBARs)
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Samuel McAlpine
Active Projects: Focus Area: Multimetallic layered composites (MMLCs) and high entropy alloys (HEAs)
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Vikash Mishra (U. Arkansas)
Riley Moeykens Mentored by Weiyue Zhou
Focus Area: Studying the influence of proton irradiation on Ni-20Cr corrosion in fluoride salts
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Joonho Moon (PNU)
Lucy M Nester Mentored by Alexis Devitre
Focus Area: Investigating Specific Positron Trapping Rates Through DFT Simulation
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Irura Nyiha Mentored by Charlie Hirst
Focus Area: Rapid Automated Materials - Discovery, Development, Deployment
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Si Ci Ong (Imperial)
Active Projects:
Jordan Parker-Ashe Mentored by Avery Nguyen
Focus Area: Forensic uranium enrichment reconstruction via chlorinated Teflon calorimetry following irradiation
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Charles Phu Mentored by Benjamin Dacus
Focus Area: Detecting short-range ordering via changes in thermal diffusivity using TGS
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Pradchar (Max) Pradyawong (Tokyo Tech)
Dylan J Raphael Mentored by David Fischer
Focus Area: Simulating Irradiation Tolerance of Superconductors for Fusion with Molecular Dynamics
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Sean Robertson
Focus Area: Non-contact measurement of molten salt thermophysical properties
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Jamie Sahote (Imperial)
Syakira Saiful (Imperial)
Madalyn Scherwinski (Mary U.) Mentored by Saleem Al Dajani
Focus Area: Material property changes in irradiated hydrides for microreactors
Daniel Schumaker
Active Projects:
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Mohammad Shahin
Active Projects:
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Maniesha Singh (Imperial)
Ethan Stewart Mentored by David Fischer
Focus Area: Simulating Irradiation Tolerance of Superconductors for Fusion with First Principles Atomistics
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Shoki Taniura (Tokyo U. (æ±äº¬å¤§å¦))
Joshua Torres Mentored by Nouf AlMousa
Focus Area: Non-destructive delta ferrite detection in steels
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Courtney Tower (U. Ottowa (Canada))
Brendan C Vaughan Mentored by Samuel McAlpine
Focus Area: Machine learning prediction of radiation void swelling
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Kavya Velmurugan (RPI)
Focus Area: Modeling nucleation and growth of irradiated PTFE recyrstallization
Lawrence Waldron (Imperial)
Kay Whiteaker (they/them)
Focus Area: Thermal transport of irradiated metal hydrides
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Emre Yildirim (U. Manchester (UK)) Mentored by Sean Robertson
Focus Area: TGS measurement of thermal transport in tungsten alloys
Kagei Yu (Tokyo Tech) Mentored by Benjamin Dacus
Focus Area: Measuring coupled strain and thermal transport in semiconductors
Arthur Zangi Mentored by Kevin Woller
Focus Area: Plasma-material interactions using TGS/DIONISOS
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Naiqiang Zhang (NCEPU)
William Zhou Jointly supervised by Bilge Yildiz
Active Projects: Focus Area: Failure modes of water-based environmental coatings
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Kristýna Zoubková (CTU Prague) Mentored by Angus Wylie
Focus Area: TGS analysis of NiTi shape memory films