Research People OpenPositions Members About index

Group Collaborators


M M Abramova

Group Pubs

Jeffery A Aguiar (LANL)

Group Pubs

David Andersson (LANL)

Group Pubs

David Andrs (INL)

Group Pubs

Eda Aydogan (TAMU)

Group Pubs

Ronald George Ballinger

Ronald's Personal Website

Group Pubs

Theodore Besmann (ORNL)

Active Projects: Fouling Deposit Prevention

Group Pubs

Donald Brenner (NCSU)

Jose Burgos

Darrin B Byler (LANL)

Group Pubs

Oral Büyüköztürk

Group Pubs

Magdalena Caro (LANL)

T Chen

Group Pubs

Di Chen

Group Pubs

Benjamin Collins (U. Mich.)

Daniel Curtis

Jeff Deshon (EPRI)

Group Pubs

Zejun Ding (USTC (China))

Zejun's Personal Website

Group Pubs

Sarah Don

Group Pubs

Pavel S Dzhumaev (MEPhI (Russia))

Group Pubs

Jeffrey K Eliason

Group Pubs

Olga V. Emelyanova (MEPhI (Russia))

Group Pubs

Nariman A Enikeev (Ufa SATU (Russia))

Group Pubs

Arthur G Every (U. Witwatersrand)

Arthur's Personal Website

Group Pubs

Ivan Fedotov (MEPhI (Russia))

Charles Forsberg

Group Pubs

Elliot S Fray

Maria G Ganchenkova (MEPhI (Russia))

Group Pubs

Derek Gaston (INL)

Active Projects: Fouling Deposit Prevention

Group Pubs

Jonathan G Gigax

Group Pubs

Xing Gong

Group Pubs

Jeffrey C Grossman

Group Pubs

Rajiv Gupta (MGH)

Active Projects:

Group Pubs

Lin-Wen Hu

Lin-Wen's Personal Website

Group Pubs

Dennis Hussey (EPRI)

Active Projects: Fouling Deposit Prevention

Group Pubs

Hannu E Hänninen (Aalto)

Active Projects:

Group Pubs

John Jackson (INL)

Akira Kai

Boris A Kalin (MEPhI (Russia))

Group Pubs

Brian K Kendrick (LANL)

Active Projects: Fouling Deposit Prevention

Group Pubs

A T Khein (MEPhI (Russia))

Group Pubs

Priyank Vijaya Kumar

Group Pubs

Kunal Kupwade-Patil

Group Pubs

Richard Lanza

Maria V Leontyeva-Smirnova (Bochvar Inst. (Russia))

Group Pubs

Wenbin Li

Yonggang Li (USTC (China))

Group Pubs

Rui Li

Group Pubs

Tiangan Lian (EPRI)

Tong Liu

Group Pubs

W Y Lo

Group Pubs

Stuart Maloy (LANL)

Group Pubs

Annalisa Manera

Richard C Martineau (INL)

Group Pubs

Alexei A Maznev

Active Projects: Deconvolving Radiation Damage

Group Pubs

Kenneth J McClellan (LANL)

Group Pubs

John McGurk (NNL, UK)

Group Pubs

Matthew Minck

Sean Morton (Ergopedia)

Group Pubs

Andrew T Nelson (LANL)

Group Pubs

Keith A Nelson

Active Projects: Deconvolving Radiation Damage

Group Pubs

Christopher O'Brien

Curran Oi

Michael Ortega

Group Pubs

Javier Ortensi (INL)

Group Pubs

Raj Pathania (EPRI)

Danielle M Perez (INL)

Group Pubs

Cody Permann (INL)

Active Projects: Fouling Deposit Prevention

Group Pubs

Ethan Peterson

John W Peterson (INL)

Group Pubs

Victor Petrov

Xiaofeng Qian

Qisen Ren

Group Pubs

Joshua Richard

Group Pubs

Rebecca Romatoski

Group Pubs

Marco Rubio (LANL)

Tapio Saukonen (Aalto)

Carolyn Schaefer

Group Pubs

Alan S. Schwartzman

Group Pubs

Jeff Secker (WEC)

Group Pubs

Lin Shao (TAMU)

Group Pubs

Dongwon Shin (ORNL)

Tetsuo Shoji

Ciara Sivels

Andrew E Slaughter (INL)

Group Pubs

Carmen Soriano

Group Pubs

Chris Stanek (LANL)

Active Projects: Fouling Deposit Prevention

Group Pubs

Maozhou Sun

Group Pubs

T Tatsuki

Y Terayama

Michael R Tonks (INL)

Active Projects:

Group Pubs

Ruslan Z Valiev (Ufa SATU (Russia))

Group Pubs

Alejandro Vega-Flick

Group Pubs

Evelyn Wang

Active Projects: Fouling Deposit Prevention

Yaqi Wang (INL)

Group Pubs

X Wang

Group Pubs

T Watanabe

Daniel Wells (EPRI)

Active Projects: Fouling Deposit Prevention

Group Pubs

Joshua T White (LANL)

Group Pubs

Anne White

Active Projects: Geigers for Everyone

Group Pubs

Dennis G Whyte

Dennis's Personal Website

Group Pubs

Y Wu

Group Pubs

V L Yakushin (MEPhI (Russia))

Group Pubs

Yong Yang (UFL)

Y Yang

Group Pubs

Bilge Yildiz

Active Projects: Fouling Deposit Prevention
Bilge's Personal Website

Group Pubs

Sidney Yip

Active Projects: Fouling Deposit Prevention

Group Pubs

Jae-Young Yoon

Group Pubs

Mostafa Youssef

Zhi Zeng (USTC (China))

Group Pubs

Ling Zou (INL)

Group Pubs

Dept. of Nuclear Science & Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology